September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Meagan and Zack

Meagan turned 18 in August and I thought I'd post a few pictures of her when she was younger. She has always been such a happy person. She is always cheesing it up for the camera. Love the Pocahontas bike she got for her 5th Birthday?

This is her around 6 months. She had tons of hair and the squishiest cheeks!

Happy 18th Birthday party with a few friends. We love you Meagan!

Zack also had a Birthday, and he is officially 11. No baby photos for this young man!

Another action shot of the cutest quarterback in town!!

August 19, 2011

The Latest from the Shepherds

Don't fall out of your chairs, I am updating our blog! So much happens in between my posts, that it's hard for me to remember it all, especially if I didn't take a picture!! Here are a few of the exciting events at the Shepherd home since last post. We had another successful school year wrap up with Meagan graduating from Mesa High School. Ashley finished her first year at Mesa Community College and is officially on the waiting list to get into the Nursing Program there. Emily was elected to Jr. Class Secretary, so she is already busy with StuCo stuff. Max and Zack had a busy summer with camps and friends. Julie and Ashley both completed a CNA course (Certified Nursing Assistant) and are awaiting their licenses to come in the mail so they can start applying for jobs. Steve and Max survived the 50 mile hike for Scouting. Steve and Julie survived another senior trip as chaperones with Meagan and her friends. We also survived another year of Girls Camp - as 4th year hike leaders this time around. There are so many things happening around here, so thanks for not giving up on me. I love blogging, but also find many excuses not to keep up. Thanks for stopping by.

Meagan on her 1st Day of college - Arizona State University
Speech and Hearing Science Major

Max and friends Josh and Shaylee on the way to the bus stop - 1st day of Jr. High

Max is in 7th grade this year - Taylor Jr. High here he comes!

Zack 5th Grade - I only have one more in Elementary School!

Emily - Junior Year Mesa High School.

The Graduation Cake Emily made for Meagan
One of Meagan's Beautiful Senior Pictures

Cousins - Hannah Peterson (Westwood) Meagan (Mesa)

Harmony Park Scouts before the 50 mile hike - Don't have one of them
after the hike, but they weren't smiling!

Proud Mom and Dad!

The Shepherd siblings Meg's Graduation 5/26/11

Emily and Mallory LeSueur - 4th year hike YCL's
Girls Camp - 2011

The inside of Emily's 4th of July cake

Our 4th of July cookies - Thanks Martha for the idea

Emily's 4th of July masterpiece! It tasted as good as it looked!

Julie and Emily modeling her aprons she got for her 16th birthday!

What else would she want than something crafty for her 16th birthday?

Zimmerman cousins 4th of July swim and breakfast at Uncle Dave's

April 4, 2011

The Latest

Meagan and her date Chris LeSueur. (Morp 2011) The theme was Under the Big Top. They were Mimes, she said it was a fun dance (even though no one said a word the whole time!) :)

One of Emily's latest desserts. She and Sarah made this for a friend at school.
We finally used the passes my brother gave us for Christmas, for a place call Airworx. It was all trampolines. We had a blast.
Julie and Emily even got in on the action. Although, my head was pounding after a few jumps.
Max and Zack just finished a basketball season with the Jr. Jackrabbit team - 6th grade. They both had a great season. Zack is currently playing again with a team his own age. He said he is tired of always playing up with his brother, so we thought it's only fair to see how he does with kids his own age.

In March, Meagan and Emily were able to go to Washington D.C. with the Mesa High Student Council. They had a blast.

This is the view from the Capitol balcony. They both loved the tour with AZ Congressman, Jeff Flake.
They couldn't resist a pose at this statue. It's even spelled right!!!
In February, Ashley and I were able to go to my niece Sarah's wedding up in Utah. Here are some of the cousins that were able to make it too.
Ashley and Grandpa.

My Mom, Me, and my sisters Lisa and Amy at Sarah and Milan's Wedding

Waiting outside for the bride and groom. It was freezing cold with sleet, snow, wind, and hail. Just what every bride hopes for on her wedding day!!!
And here's the bride and groom!! She was a beautiful, blushing, bride.
The girls posing with the exchange students from Australia. Annie and Rachel stayed with us for about 2 weeks. They were amazing and we learned so much from them. I think they learned a lot from our crazy family too.
Our New Year's Eve party-goers. We served the usual waffles and bacon soon after midnight. There were quite a few more kids that came after this picture was taken. Fun night!

January 23, 2011

Here are some fun pictures from December.

The kids refuse to sit on Santa's lap anymore!! I have a picture of them every year from the time Ashley was born. It has been a tradition of sorts to get a picture of the kids with the big guy every Christmas. They all said they were done this year, and Mom was very sad that a chapter of our family's life had come to an end. So, they agreed to take a picture with our Santa that Steve got for his birthday last year. I guess a new tradition was born!

Shepherd Cousins

Kaitlyn and her new blanket Aunt Julie made her.

Scott and Julie (Steve's brother and his wife - the other Julie Ann Shepherd!)

Waiting to open gifts.

Christmas Cheer

This was the sunrise on December 21st. It literally looked like the sky was on fire!

Max received his Tenderfoot and 2nd Class awards.

The Zimmerman Family Christmas Caroling at the Hospital.

Building a snowman at my sister Lisa's house in Utah.

Christmas lights at Salt Lake's Temple Square.

Waiting for the Christmas Concert at Temple Square to begin. We are in the Conference Center. We had amazing seats and the concert was unforgettable. It was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Orchestra at Temple Square and David Archuleta. It really got us all in the Christmas Spirit.

It was an amazing show! We highly recommend going if you ever get the chance.

It was so cold and the lights at Temple Square were very cool!

The Girls!

Waiting to cross the street to Temple Square. Our cousin Daniel came with us to the concert.
Dinner at Olive Garden before the concert. Yummy!